Polygrafické stroje

Naše firma Vám nabízí prodej a výkup použitých tiskařských strojů ADAST a POLLY, včetně řezaček papíru MAXIMA, zajistíme Vám financování nového a po dohodě i použitého stroje, smluvní leasingovou společností.
Nabízíme take dopravu strojů za velmi zajímavé ceny. Dále provedme montáž a uvedení strojů do provozu, včetně zaškolení obsluhy Na tyto polygrafické stroje provádíme kompletní servis. Dodáváme náhradní díly ke strojům ADAST, MAXIMA a POLLY, originální i z druhovýroby. Nabízíme děrovačky, na úpravu tiskových desek, pro upínací systém BACHER a MONTALOCH, včetně úpravy vašeho stroje pro použití těchto středících systémů.

KBA Performer 66 - 2

KBA Performer 66 - 2, year 2007

- Max.Size: 66 x 46 cm (25 x 18 inch);
- Impress.Count: 20 mio;
- automatic washing of the ink units;
- automatic washing of rubber cylinders;
- system Bacher ;
- electro-mechanical double sheet sensor;
- the sensors of the presence of the sheet in the clamping cylinders;
- ionizer SIMCO;
- alfa alcohol dampening;
- powder sprayer ;

Equipped with a high-pile delivery in their standard version.

In production.

KBA Performa 74-4

KBA Performa 74-4
Year of manufacture - 2005
4 colors straight machine
Format B2
Impression - 124 mio
Remote control from the desktop ink zones
Remote control from the slant fit panel (mowing)
Automatic cleaning of ink rollers and a rubber cylinder
Semi-automatic changing plates
Techkon RS 400 densitometer
Technotrans Alpha alcohol dampening
Сooling of paint rollers
IR drying
Machine in production . Test is possible.

Polly Prestige 474

Polly Prestige 474
Format - B2;
Year of manufacture - 1999;
Control panel;
Remote axial and radial regulation of registers;
Inkflow system (remote adjustment of inkers) with X-Rite scanning strip (4400E-35);
Super Blue on feeder;
Technotrans alpha D40-4;
Becker compressors;
Compressor Orlik;
Montaloch fast fit system with die cutter;
Impression: 93 million prints.

Machine is in production.
Machine is free of damages.

Adast Dominant AD 547

Adast 547

Year of production 1997
printed about 40 million
wetting pseudo alcohol
The machine is in excellent technical condition

Polly 574 Prestige

Alcohol dampening
Technotrans refrigeration device
PollyControl ink and register remote control semi-automatic plate loading Bacher quick action plate clamps ink rollers, blanket cylinders automatic wash up device.
Inkdry IR dryer powder sprayer.
CIP 3.
Ultrasonic double sheet detector,
Vacuum conveyor.
Double diameters of impression cylinders, control of sheet presence on impression cylinders

Polly Prestige 474

Format - B2;
Year of manufacture - 1999;
Control panel;
Remote axial and radial regulation of registers;
Inkflow system (remote adjustment of inkers) with X-Rite scanning strip (4400E-35);
Super Blue on feeder;
Technotrans alpha D40-4;
Becker compressors;
Compressor Orlik;
Montaloch fast fit system with die cutter;
Impression: 93 million prints.

Machine is in production.
Can been see in production.
Machine is free of damages.

Polly 266 A PH, 1997

Polly 266 A PH, 1997
Format - A2;
Max. paper size - 485x660 mm;
Smallest size - 330x330 mm;
Image area - 475x650 mm;
Plate size - 530x650x0.30 mm;
Weight - 4820kg;
Perfecting between unit 1+1;2+0;
Dampening - alkohol;
High pile delivery;
Remote register control;
Impression - about 80 mio;

Cylinders are free of damages;
Location - Western Europe.
Machine is in good work condition;
Available now.
Price 15900 EUR LOT


HEIDELBERG SM 74 4 P + L with Axis Control

4 Colours + Coater

Age : 2001

Size : 52 x 74 cm

Approx . 245 Millons of impressions, CP 2000 with Axis Control , Alcolor, Autoplate, combination device dampening circulation + cooling, ink unit
was device, ink temp control aircooled, blanket cylinder wash, Technotrans, NonStop pile feeder, high pile

delivery, NonStop delivery rake, dryer HD-IR+HL-Preset, dryer cabinet aircooled, powder device

Alphatronic 200, antistatic device Simco, airsupply cabinet aircooled .

Heidelberg SM 74-5P3+L

Heidelberg SM 74-5P3+L
5 color plus coater
Year 1996
Counter reading 160 mio imp
Format 520x740

Heidelberg SM 74-4+L

Heidelberg SM 74-4+L

4 colors plus coater
Year 1997
Counter reading 112 mio imp
Format 520x740

Adast Dominant AD 547 P

Adast Dominant 547
4 colors
Year 1999
Counter reading 30 mio imp
Perfector SW 2+2/4+0
Format 520x380

Adast Dominant AD 826

Adast Dominant 826 P
stroj byl využíván na tiskna papír 60 g/m2 a 70 g/m2
Ve velmi dobrém stavu
Vtištěno 60 mln
nr. ser. 82600103 rok prod.1994.
Alkoholové vlhčení eco-15

ADAST Dominant 847 LZ, 2007

ADAST Dominant 847 LZ, 2007

Max. paper size: 520*740mm
Max print format: 508*735mm
Min. paper size: 280*330mm
Max thickness of paper: 0,50mm
Thickness of paper: 30-380gr/m2
Maximum print speed: 12.000 sh/h
Minimum print speed: 3.000 sh/h
The limit of the clamp grip: 12mm
Offset plate format: 575*740*0,3mm
Offset rubber format: 635*752*1,9mm
Stack height on overlay: 960mm
Stack height on overlay: 820mm
Weight of lacquer circulation: 80kg
Dryer weight INKDRY: 100kg
Central control system OMRON
Control of the machine from the touch-colored 15″ panel TOUCH-SCREEN on overlay
Electronic control – precise height adjustment of the stack relative on the overlаp head
Double sheets control
Alcohol dampening ADAMATIC with no load moisturizing rollers Bottcher
Сooling and circulation of the dampening solution MGE with automatic dosage of alcohol
Inkwells with a sectoral knife and removable beads for easy cleaning
Matrix cylinder with quick fastening plate and split plate
Matrix cylinder with quick system of fit BACGER
High delivery with inclined control panels
High-pressure сompressor KEISER
Low pressure compressor BECKER T 3.80
Blower on feeder and delivery
Control of humidification, dehumidification registers, fans of the lining of the touch panel
Programming counter
Delivery with pneumatic sheet alignment system and straightening strip
Automatic central lubrication
Platforms on both sides of the machine along with containers for tools
Machine without perfection
Extra equipment:
DOSER MIX2 – automatic water dispensing and stabilization
Remote control panel ADACONTROL III (Software CIP 3 PPF format)
SUPER BLUE on all cylinders rotating
Electronic – acoustic control of the side brand
Machine in good working condition
Test is possible.
We will appreciate if you make your price offer !

Adast Dominant AD 516 PZ

Adast Dominant AD 516
r.v. 1995
Vytištěno 20,5 mio
Vlhčení konvenční s cirkulací
Kompresor Adast
Přídavné zařízení
K dispozici ihned

Adast Dominant 557 B P

Adast Dominant 557 B P
rok výroby 2007
v provozu 2008
vytisknuto cca 14 mio.
vysoký vykladač
IR sušení
automatické upínání kovolistů
automatické umývání ofset.gum
alkoholové vlhčení
cena: dohodou:

Adast Dominant AD 816

Adast Dominant 1997.
Počet výtisků 5,5 mil.
Konvenční vlhčení s cirkulací Adast
Poprašování Adast
Kompresor Adast
Velmi dobrý stav

Adast Romayor AR 315

Jednobarvový tiskový stroj Adast Romayor 315
r.v. 2001
Kompresor Becker
Vlhčení Varn Kompac
Elektronická regulace otáček
Lištové upínání kovolistů
Pravidelný servis
Stroj je kompletní, ve velmi dobrém stavu a pravidelně servisován.
K dispozici ihned EXW Blansko

Adast Maxima MS 80

Stroj po kompletní repasi
Stav nového stroje
Program BCP 6
Vzduchový stůl
Na objednávku, dodací lhůta dle dohody a po zaplacení zálohy 50% z dohodnuté ceny.

Veškerá práva vyhrazena © 2011 REPOSS CZ, s.r.o.